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  • (Luna) Green Draco Units Bumper Sticker
  • (Luna) Green Draco Units Bumper Sticker
  • (Luna) Green Draco Units Bumper Sticker
SKU: 33081543768643865825

(Luna) Green Draco Units Bumper Sticker


This is a portrayal of a futuristic monetary system that came in the form of a vision. Here Imperious Draco has depicted the concept of money in an inspired & visionary way. With Mayan hieroglyphics & floral features, this is a depiction of plastic money units with golden foil inlaid into each unit to create a timeless yet spiritually enlightened sense of cosmic unity & space age prosperity. On this bookmark he features the planet Luna & emphasizes the colors of the green spectrum. In a world of uncertainty & quantum perspectives, Imperious Draco provides you a window into a future of infinite possibilities. These bumper stickers are a promotional staple. Use indoors or outdoors with total peace of mind as each printable bumper sticker is made with thick vinyl material that has been laminated for top-tier durability against water, sunlight, and scratches.

.: Material: premium water-resistant vinyl
.: Waterproof sticky adhesive
.: Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
.: Easy peel backing
.: Matte finish

  11" × 3"
Width, in 11.00
Length, in 3.00


    Posiadanie bogactw materialnych bez wewnętrznego spokoju jest jak umieranie z pragnienia podczas kąpieli w jeziorze. Jeśli mamy unikać ubóstwa materialnego, należy brzydzić się ubóstwem duchowym. Albowiem to duchowe ubóstwo, a nie brak materialny, leży u podstaw wszelkiego ludzkiego cierpienia.
    - Paramahansa Jogananda

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