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  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Honeycomb, Laptop Sleeve
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Honeycomb, Laptop Sleeve

Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Honeycomb, Laptop Sleeve

CenaOd 29,00$
This product has the naturally beautiful geometric patterning of honeycomb. Like nature it's simple yet beautiful featuring a bold Draco Dynamics emblem. Protect your laptop in style—get this snug, lightweight laptop sleeve! To prevent any scratch marks, it contains an internal padded zipper, and its interior is fully lined with faux fur. What’s more, it’s made from a material that’s resistant to water, oil, and heat, making sure your laptop sleeve looks as sharp as you any day of the week!

• 100% neoprene
• 13″ sleeve weight: 6.49 oz (220 g)
• 15″ sleeve weight: 8.8 oz (250 g)
• Lightweight and resistant to water, oil, and heat
• Snug fit
• Faux fur interior lining
• Top-loading zippered enclosure with two sliders
• Padded zipper binding
• Blank product sourced from China
    Posiadanie bogactw materialnych bez wewnętrznego spokoju jest jak umieranie z pragnienia podczas kąpieli w jeziorze. Jeśli mamy unikać ubóstwa materialnego, należy brzydzić się ubóstwem duchowym. Albowiem to duchowe ubóstwo, a nie brak materialny, leży u podstaw wszelkiego ludzkiego cierpienia.
    - Paramahansa Jogananda

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