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  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)
  • Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)

Green Draco Dynamics Cosmo Unit, Hardcover Journal (A5)


This is a portrayal of a futuristic monetary system that came to me in the form of a vision. Here Imperious Draco has depicted the concept of money in an inspired & visionary way. With Mayan hieroglyphics & floral features, this is a depiction of plastic money units with golden foil inlaid into each unit to create a timeless yet spiritually enlightened sense of cosmic unity & space age prosperity. On this unit he features the planet Earth & it's moon Luna, & emphasizes the colors of the green spectrum. In a world of uncertainty & quantum perspectives, Imperious Draco provides you a window into a future of infinite possibilities. We'd like to help you orginize your thoughts & ideas. We hope you love our Draco Dynamics Red Spectrum Unit, Journal. Add a touch of character to note-taking with this A5 journal. The hard cover comes with a case-wrap binding for higher durability while your designs fully wrap around the journal. Each journal comes with 128 single-ruled or blank pages.

Height, in 8.31
Width, in 5.91
Depth, in 0.51


.: Full wraparound print
.: 128 single blank or ruled pages
.: Casewrap binding

    Að eiga efnisleg auðæfi, án innri friðar, er eins og að deyja úr þorsta þegar maður baðar sig í stöðuvatni. Ef forðast á efnislega fátækt, þá á andlega fátækt að vera andstyggð. Því það er andleg fátækt, ekki efnislegur skortur, sem er kjarninn í allri mannlegri þjáningu.
    - Paramahansa Yogananda

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