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  • Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs
  • Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs
  • Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs
  • Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs
  • Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs

Cosmic Red Draco Dynamics, Women's Briefs


Our Red Draco Briefs are definitely attractive! Featuring the Planet Venus, star clusters & rainbow patterns with our Draco Dynamics emblem. This design is inspired by the concepts of cosmic consciousness. Ladies! Create your look from head to toe with comfy, cute unmentionables! These lightweight (2.2 oz) women’s briefs provide ultra-comfort where it’s needed the most with a soft elastic waistband and a two-sided fleece finish for maximum wear-ability! Show off your creative side on your terms ;)


Hips Width (half), in 11.93 12.60 13.31 13.98 14.69 15.35
Sideseam Length, in 2.36 2.36 2.56 2.76 2.95 3.15
Height, in 8.07 8.46 8.94 9.53 10.04 10.51


.: 100% Polyester
.: Extra light fabric (2.2 oz/yd² (74.6 g/m²))
.: Regular fit
.: Printed care label inside

    Að eiga efnisleg auðæfi, án innri friðar, er eins og að deyja úr þorsta þegar maður baðar sig í stöðuvatni. Ef forðast á efnislega fátækt, þá á andlega fátækt að vera andstyggð. Því það er andleg fátækt, ekki efnislegur skortur, sem er kjarninn í allri mannlegri þjáningu.
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