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  • Bright Deco (Mars) D-Unit Towel
  • Bright Deco (Mars) D-Unit Towel
  • Bright Deco (Mars) D-Unit Towel
  • Bright Deco (Mars) D-Unit Towel
SKU: 62BF467882DD7_8874

Bright Deco (Mars) D-Unit Towel

With our red (Mars) D-Unit imagery & some timeless bright deco styled geometric patterning you will have classic yet modern appeal. Give your bathroom a vibrant look and wrap yourself up with this super soft and cozy all-over sublimation towel.

• 52% cotton, 48% polyester
• Fabric weight: 10.6 oz/y² (360 g/m²)
• Size: 30″ × 60″ × 0.28″ (76 × 152 × 0.7 cm)
• Printed on one side only
• The non-printed side is made of terry fabric, making the towel more water-absorbent
• Blank product sourced from China

This product is made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!
    Að eiga efnisleg auðæfi, án innri friðar, er eins og að deyja úr þorsta þegar maður baðar sig í stöðuvatni. Ef forðast á efnislega fátækt, þá á andlega fátækt að vera andstyggð. Því það er andleg fátækt, ekki efnislegur skortur, sem er kjarninn í allri mannlegri þjáningu.
    - Paramahansa Yogananda

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