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  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops
  • Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops

Bee-cause Draco Dynamics Striped, Flip-Flops

With that characteristic bold black & yellow stripping of a bee, we have featured the Draco Dynamics emblem in both black & white. Prepare for an adventurous and carefree summer with a pair of colorful slippers that are created just for you! The rubber sole is lined with a soft fabric to make sure you feel comfortable wherever your day takes you.

• Rubber sole
• Customizable 100% polyester fabric lining
• Black Y-shaped rubber straps
• Toe post style
    Að eiga efnisleg auðæfi, án innri friðar, er eins og að deyja úr þorsta þegar maður baðar sig í stöðuvatni. Ef forðast á efnislega fátækt, þá á andlega fátækt að vera andstyggð. Því það er andleg fátækt, ekki efnislegur skortur, sem er kjarninn í allri mannlegri þjáningu.
    - Paramahansa Yogananda

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