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  • 3D Puff Embroidered Draco Dynamics Tie-dye bucket hat
  • 3D Puff Embroidered Draco Dynamics Tie-dye bucket hat
  • 3D Puff Embroidered Draco Dynamics Tie-dye bucket hat
SKU: 6259B4C820638_11512

3D Puff Embroidered Draco Dynamics Tie-dye bucket hat

With a black embroidered Draco Dynamics Emblem on tie dye, bring fun and color to your wardrobe. Shield yourself from the sun with a bright and colorful bucket hat. Decorated with a trendy 3D Puff embroidery design, it's the perfect combination of practicality, comfort, and style.

• 100% viscose
• One size: head circumference ~22″.
• Brim 1.88″
• Crown 3.54″
• Classic brim with decorative stitching
• Color variation is unique for each hat
• Non-washable
• Blank product sourced from Bangladesh
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