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  • Orange Draco Unit, Saffiano Leather Card Holder
  • Orange Draco Unit, Saffiano Leather Card Holder
SKU: 20515791326640313833

Orange Draco Unit, Saffiano Leather Card Holder


This is a portrayal of a futuristic monetary system that came to me in the form of a vision. Here Imperious Draco has depicted the concept of money in an inspired & visionary way. With Mayan hieroglyphics & floral features, this is a depiction of plastic money units with golden foil inlaid into each unit to create a timeless yet spiritually enlightened sense of cosmic unity & space age prosperity. On this unit he features the planet Jupiter & one of its moons IO & emphasizes the colors of the Orange spectrum. In a world of uncertainty & quantum perspectives, Imperious Draco provides you a window into a future of infinite possibilities. Add a splash of personality to advertising any business with this personalized card holder. Add your custom prints in vivid detail on the faux leather that is 100% cruelty-free and sleek-looking. The inner liner comes with handy storage pockets while the clear coat layer keeps your print in mint condition.


 One size
Width, in4.33
Height, in3.23
Depth, in0.20


.: Material: cruelty-free faux leather
.: Metal keyring
.: Handy storage pockets
.: White color with matte finish

    La posesión de riquezas materiales, sin paz interior, es como morir de sed mientras se baña en un lago. Si se quiere evitar la pobreza material, se debe aborrecer la pobreza espiritual. Porque es la pobreza espiritual, no la carencia material, lo que se encuentra en el centro de todo sufrimiento humano.
    -Paramahansa Yogananda

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