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Store Policies
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Shipping Policies

Standard Shipping & Free Shipping
Or standard shipping fee is $10-dollars per-order with a handling fee of $5-dollars in our domestic region the United States, Canada, & Mexico. The average shipping time is 7-10 business days.
Purchase orders over $100 are eligible for free shipping.
Option: 1. Domestic Region

Standard Shipping & Free Shipping
Our standard shipping fee is $15-dollars per-order with a handling fee of $8-dollars in the Central America region such as Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize. The arrival time for ordered items can be expected to arrive in about 1-2 weeks.
Purchase orders over $150 are eligible for free shipping.

Option: 2. Central America

Option: 3. International
Standard Shipping & Free Shipping
Our standard shipping fee is $20-dollars per-order with a handling fee of $10-dollars. Ordered items can be expected to arrive in about 2-3 weeks.
Purchase orders over $200 are eligible for free shipping.
Additional Information

Our Store Policies Page has several links connecting to our official legal documentation relevant for customers in making informed decisions about how they purchase! Here at Draco Dynamics, we love your feedback. If you'd like to post a casual comment or quote you may do so in the "comments" section below.

Customer Care Policy
Note: Shipping arrival times are approximations. Arrival times will vary, based on the location of delivery & because of health & safety protocols, some of these arrival times may be delayed in certain regions.
Here at Draco Dynamics customers are our inspiration! When Imperious Draco decided to create Draco Dynamics, he did so because he was disappointed about what the world of commerce had done to the natural world & this planet's ecology. He was disheartened about how many people's attitudes & mentalities had become tragically desensitized.
It was confusing, to witness a world in which people were so hypnotized by decorated pieces of paper displaying numerical values & antiquated faces. Like most of us, as a child, he anticipated a bright & beautiful future & also like most people he realized that some things never change & that some things do. Eventually, we all reach a point of maturity when we realize that if we expect the world to become different, or better we must start by improving the world within ourselves.
Eventually, I took full responsibility & accountability for my life & determined that I would become who I needed to be to achieve it. That was the day I decided to change my name from my birth name to the name I would give myself. When I decided that I would become Imperious Draco of Draco Dynamics, I knew that my choice was not just for me but also for the benefit of others like me, for the benefit of those others who are looking for someone or something to believe, in a world full of illusions & lies.
Here at Draco Dynamics, we operate in full transparency, we present to you our sense of style, & design service with the very essence of our very heart & soul. If you are interested in learning more about Draco Dynamics, our employment opportunities, or have questions about your order please refer to our Contact Us page for more info.

Accepted Payment Methods
- Credit / Debit Cards
- Cash App, Apple-pay, or at point of sales options. Please refer to the contact us page & email us for more info.

“To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble.”
― Bill Watterson
«Η μακροπρόθεσμη ευτυχία και η εκπλήρωσή σας εξαρτώνται από την ικανότητά σας να εκπληρώσετε τον μοναδικό σκοπό της ψυχής σας και να γεμίσετε τη θέση στον κόσμο που μόνο εσείς μπορείτε να γεμίσετε, κάνοντας τη συμβολή που μόνο εσείς μπορείτε να κάνετε».
- Ροντ Στράικερ
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